Buddhanilkantha Temple-

"Traveling-it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a story teller"-Ibn Battuta

Lord Vishnu sleeping in the middle of the pond
A priest at Buddhanilkantha Temple

It was Saturday-a cold day-a grey day-with no Sun in the sky but clouds- dark clouds- blanketing the happiness, preventing it to reach the Earth.(Selfish Cloud!)
The wind was blowing-smoothly at first and then he was fierce. He was not just blowing, but howling like a wolf, rattling like a snake, crying like a baby when he's been abandoned.It was in fact a gloomy day. The only element missing at this moment was rain- to make it even more desolate- to make this environment completely lifeless-to add a different tone in the Environment.
With all these variegated tone, there's an additional tone the wind is bringing with him- a music of a song that will make you cry- a tone of the song "Gloomy Sunday" is humming in the wind but, the sound is fading- slowly. I feel like crying. But then, I got driven away by the wrappers of biscuits that was blowing with the wind. Then, I examined the wrappers- just by looking at it as it was blowing with the air. This abandoned piece of wrappers has got no destination but is blowing with the wind-where the wind takes it. Selfish people might have abandoned this poor wrapper- now it's dead. It has got no life. People might have forget that one day, they should too die. And their soul travels along with the wind- just like the wrapper of the biscuit.
This incident stroke my head- like a hammer does to a nail. It left a deep stain in my heart. It made me think about my journey I'm traveling. It made me think about life. Such an enigmatic element it is-life. Like a Packets of biscuits and Candies it is- life. Life is in fact a predetermined packets- like those of biscuits and candies- labelled with a manufactured and expiry date. God hands over these packets to us- in the day we're born. It might be any packets- small or large- colorful or dull- glittery or plain- of candies or biscuits. And this packets determine our life.
If you're given a small packet of candy. I say- you're life is just like a candy. Small but delicious-that will melt inside your mouth and you never know how it disappeared. You always want more but you have no more left inside your pocket. The life you had lived was just a sweet dream-the dream you wish not to escape from. But Unfortunately, the alarm wakes you up and everything will turn into an illusion. The content inside the wrapper is your life span. When you finish consuming the content- You're obliged to leave the wrapper, which in fact is your soul. They'll never die but travels with the wind, like a cage bird when he's been given freedom, Just like a wrappers of candies and biscuits-they travel with the wind.
If you're given a big packet of biscuit, at first you'll adore it, you'll like it. But, as time goes on, the biscuit will lose its taste and finally turns into a flavorless thing you detest . You'll dislike it and instead, you'll prefer a different taste, a new taste. Something that helps to remove monotonous flavor, your tongue had long been relying on. But if you stop consuming the biscuits, you know, you cannot resist hunger. So, you're obliged to feed on the same packet of biscuit to prevent yourself from dying an alternate death.But, there's always a better solution in your life. You just need to explore it out from other mess.
 Being a human, we envy and we're never satisfied. We just need some more and we do anything to earn more. The best thing to improve our life, to ignite the flame of happiness in our life is to share whatever we feel- good or bad- with our closest companion and forget about jealousy and zealotry. If you're bored of consuming the same packet of biscuit, why not share it with your friend? Just like you, your friend might also want to taste a new flavor, what you've got- because he's too, bored with spending his life, consuming the same packet of biscuits god had given him. Why not share the biscuit with the friend who has candies? And sharing brings a new taste in your life and removes the monotonous taste from your tongue. Everyone has a problem in their life. There's just one difference- you show it but they don't. The best way to live your life is to share your problems and find a better solution which brings happiness in your life,
