Tips for traveling in Nepal ( Get rid of Pickpocketers in Nepal.)

Nepal is said to be a country with no offense or crime. Yet, when it comes to pick pocketing, you're not fully secured. Thus, you should be ready and mentally prepared about these stuff before traveling to Nepal. Pick-pocketing like: snatching wallets and bags are rampant in places where bounty of tourists gather, like- several heritage sites, museums, tourist's shop and also while traveling in a bus. Tourist form all over the globe, might be a victim of Pick-pocketing, and it's pretty sad to hear such news of tourists being a victim of Pick-pocketing, because most of them are likely to put their valuable stuffs like money, camera, cellphones inside their bag,which might take them several years to earn them back. So, you should constantly be on guard about your stuffs, else you'll have something stolen.

Once, while I was at a restaurant in Pokhara, lakeside, several year back-One of the German tourist, who was having lunch with us lost his camera, and it was very expensive- I was told later on. He hung his camera at the back of his chair after his showed us some photos. Later while we were ready for home, after having some foods. We found that his camera was missing from the very place he kept few hours ago. He was pretty pissed off and sad to loose his camera.

Such crimes are avoidable, if you're a bit aware and are given few suggestions on how to keep your belongings safe while traveling. Here are few things you should remember about such pitfalls :

  • Be prepared : better make some photocopies of your important documents like passport, itinerary, tickets, prescription of medicine and other stuffs which might be important to you. 

For a backup, you can leave it at a hotel room or ask your loved one to keep it safe, in case you lose your copy and need it. Also, back up your digital photos and other important files frequently. If you have expensive electronics( camera, smartphone, iPad, laptops)  consider getting theft insurance. It depends on you, either to lure thieves
or to avoid it. So, better leave your fancy and expensive backpacks and luggage at hotel room instead to carrying to everywhere you go.

Some more advice :

  1. Money belt: it's a small belt like structure, with a big pocket - at least for your small valuable things like passport and money, that could be fastened around your waist, under your pants or skirts, just like a belt. It's a zipped fabric pouch on an elastic strap. 
  2. Secure your bag-pack with a lockable zippers. If you're sitting down to eat or rest, loop a strap of your pack around your arm, leg or chair leg. 
  3. First don't lose it: travelers are likely to lose their backpacks than to have it stolen. They often leave their cameras and cellphones in a taxi. Or passport, watches and bags on the bus or at hotel rooms. Don't put things in an odd places where your eyes can't reach, or where you're likely to forget, like under pillow, mattress, inside the drawer of cupboard or over it. Before leaving a hotel room or a taxi, run through a mental checklist. Also, don't carry belongings on your hand, which you could drop it, or leave it. Better keep it inside you pockets. Wear a trousers or jackets with a zipper, where you could keep your things safe and zipped. While you're at a cafĂ©, don't put your cameras and cellphones at the tabletop where it might get easily snatched away. And, always be careful with your belongings and develop it as your habit. 
  4. Leave your expensive gears like laptop, which is of much less use while you're traveling in the street, at your hotel room or at the front desk. It will make your travel easier by reducing the load you're carrying. 
