Social Etiquette(acceptable behavior) in Nepal 

Most importantly, you'll need to know how to welcome local people. The customary way of welcome in Nepal includes putting your palms together in a petition style and saying "namaste". Address anybody more seasoned than you with deference utilizing the expressions "dai" for men and "didi" for ladies. What's more, abstain from venturing over somebody's outstretched legs or touching anybody with your feet as these are viewed as discourteous.

Once you've aced this, you'll need to make sure to obey neighborhood culture so as not to insult. Note that it is never worthy to wear uncovering apparel (counting shorts), especially for ladies. While swimming, adhere to a one-piece and leave the two-piece at home. Open presentations of friendship are additionally disliked in Nepal.

In the event that you are sufficiently fortunate to be welcomed into a Nepali home, make sure to evacuate your shoes before entering. At supper time, you should dependably wash your hands and mouth before eating. Continuously sit tight for the host to serve you and abstain from "dirtying" sustenance by giving it a chance to come into contact with an utilized plate or utensil. Whatever you do, don't utilize your own particular spoon or fork to serve sustenance.

Experiencing something Adventurous, Exciting and Thrilling.

Paragliding in Nepal.

Given Nepal's inconceivable landscape, it's nothing unexpected that it's one of the world's most well known goals for experience tourism. When you're getting your apparatus, ensure you get an amigo as well. Trekking or climbing alone is risky for various reasons. You may likewise need to procure a guide, as the forested areas and mountain zones can be dubious and getting lost or harmed is a genuine hazard. On the off chance that mountain climbing is on your schedule, know about and arranged for the likelihood of height disorder and ice chomp. Dress likewise and don't go up against more than you can deal with.



Notwithstanding trekking and climbing, Nepal offers a tremendous assortment of open air experiences beyond any doubt to fulfill even the most brave voyager. Whitewater boating in the Bhote Koshi and Trishuli, canyoning, shake climbing, mountain biking, mountaineering and paragliding are only a couple of the many invigorating alternatives. In case you're especially overcome, you can encounter the second-most elevated bungee hop on the planet, which happens to occur over the powerful Bhote Koshi River. Whatever your pleasure, know about the dangers and utilize alert amid your experiences.


Drinking Water Safety.

In the event that you anticipate remaining in Nepal for some time, you might need to pack a bubbling container and channel for the faucet water. Water from the tap is not ok for utilization, regardless of the possibility that it's from your lodging. Make sure to likewise maintain a strategic distance from organic product that may have been washed in sullied water or drinking soda pops with ice in them, as the ice may have been produced using faucet water. Stick to filtered water, which can be found in pretty much every store in the nation.

Common Traditional Nepali Meal is Called Dal Bhat.

It consists of steamed rice and a cooked lentil soup called dal


When you're going to Nepal, bear in mind to bring your hunger. Offering everything from customary admission to famous universal dishes,
you'll never go hungry there. Regular Nepali sustenance is called Dal Bhat, and is comprised of rice and lentils. Side dishes generally incorporate an assortment of crisp vegetables, for example, potatoes and cauliflower. Conventional Nepali sustenance is regularly zesty, yet you can normally indicate how mellow or hot you need it when requesting. You can experience this standard cooking at pretty much any neighborhood eatery, which are abundant all through the nation.

Roads in Nepal.

Despite the fact that Nepal is known for its perfect environment – not the roadways and significant city boulevards are well managed. They are swarmed with people pedestrians, and the environment brimming with smoke and dust. Consequently going on a bike or a motorbike generally is not prudent. There are some rough terrain mountain bicycle trails that are alright otherwise.

Strikes in Nepal.

Strikes-often called "Bandha"-is a conflict state in a country between the public and the Government which results in  hindrance of Transportation facilities. This can alter and affect your travel plan significantly.

Travel Adapter.

 It is recommended to bring a universal plug and voltage adapter kit for your Electronic Devices. 220 Volt.

Minimize the Use of Plastic.

